Known as the Polish Faust, Master Twardowski is an old Polish
legend about a man who sells his soul to the devil to obtain all the riches and
pleasures of the world. Only at the end does he realize that these earthly
goods are not worth losing his soul over and barely escapes eternal damnation.
picture: Jakub Maliński, Adam Maliński |
The legend dates to
16th century Poland where it is believed that a nobleman named Twardowski actually existed and dabbled in the
dark arts. Having knowledge of medicine, he treated others and knew full well
how fragile human life could be.
picture: Andrzej Telaczyński |
Twardowski himself wanted to live forever, so he could
continue his misterious studies for all eternity. Being a man of science, he
went through all sorts of old books. In one of the ancien volumes he encountered
a mention of making a pact with the devil. In return for longevity, one would
merely need to sign over their soul.
picture: Zofia Kukla |
One night Mr Twardowski
shouted out in despair, he would like to sell his own soul to the devil.
And just like that, a strange misterious guest appeared right beside him.
picture: Andrzej Telaczyński |
The devil produced a document from his pocket. All was
written on a sheepskin. Twardowski looked at the apparition with apprehension,
but decided to read the text. According to the terms, he could ask for anything
his heart desired: eternal youth, health and riches. But he would owe his soul
to the devil, the moment he touched ground in Rome.
picture: Jakub Maliński, Adam Maliński |
Twardowski cut his little finger, dipped the quill in his
own blood and penned his bold signature one the document. At the same moment, a
whirlwind rose, the early morning sky darkened from east to west, and
Twardowski's hands and face began to change as if he had been years away and
looked like a young man again.
picture: Andrzej Telaczyński |
Indeed, his life from then on was splendid. He was young and
full of vigor, rich and famous. Learned books were always within reach, and the
knowledge they contained was so easy for him to grasp.
picture: Zofia Kukla |
Any wish he spoke out loud – instantly came true. The devil
provided him with gold and jewels, to hi heart’s desire. Twardowski lived many
years enjoying health and riches, unraveling the mysteries of science,
traelling all around the world.
picture: Jakub Maliński, Adam Maliński |
His fame overtook him all over Poland, Europe and around the
world. Wherever he appeared, there were long queues of people who asked him for
help. So Master Twardowski made wonderful elixirs rejuvenating the skin, for
hair growth, healing the soul and body. He made a fortune and, although he
lacked nothing, he became even richer and more powerful. Helping others was his
calling. Curing his patients was what made him happy.
One of the most famous stories is that King Sigismund August
II hired him to summon the spirit of the dead queen, Barbara Radziwill.
Supposedly, Twardowski used an enchanted mirror to bring the spirit into the
room for the king. Barabara’s spirit quickly disappeared, however, and the
devil’s face appeared in the mirror. Since then, the mirror has been cursed.
picture: Zofia Kukla |
Twardowski was always
careful though, not to visit Rome, even only in passing. This was
becoming ever more difficult, as his closer and more distant acquaintances kept
inviting him to Rome.Twardowski saw these attempts for what they were – devil’s
tricks to lure him there.
picture: Jakub Maliński, Adam Maliński |
But one day he was invited by a wealthy trader. Twardowski
healed the man's wife from a terminal illness and now they both wanted to repay
him and invited him to a feast at their inn, which was called ... Rome.
picture: Zofia Kukla |
When Twardowski sat at the table, hi sold acquaintance from
years back – the devil – materialized, rubbing his clawed hands. Twardowski was
about to rush away, but the devil was right after him, furious and danger. Twardowski
began to pray to God for rescue and suddenly ... something reminded him.
picture: Jakub Maliński, Adam Maliński |
It was written in the cyrograph that the devil must call
Twardowski by name. The devil himself set this record. Twardowski remembered
that. When he read the pact for the first time, he wondered if the devil knew
his name, but he didn't talk about it loudly.
picture: Zofia Kukla |
No one living on Earth knew the name of Twardowski. The
devil was out of the question. Twardowski took advantage of this time and
escaped to the moon. Here the devilish powers have no power over him.
picture: Jakub Maliński, Adam Maliński |
Apparently, Twardowski lives on the moon to this day.
Sometimes, he flies unnoticed to Earth.
In Bydgoszcz, they boast that he visits them twice a day. He appears for a
moment in the window of the tenement house in the Old Market Square, bows to
the residents, checks what's new in the city and ... quickly returns to the
moon before the devil catches him.